In the last blog post, you learned about the 3 keys to changing toddler's bad sleep habits:
New Sleep Plan
If you’re feeling very motivated and committed to finally get your 3 year old to sleep through the night or stop co-sleeping with your toddler, and you’re reading this blog searching for answers then I think it’s clear that you have intention - which is #1.
And if you’re thinking “I would totally be consistent if I KNEW I was doing the right thing and nighttime didn’t feel so out of control” - then you’ve got #3 covered.
Then all you’re missing is #2, the right plan.
That is exactly what the REST Method™ for Awesome Sleep provides.
It’s a proven framework that breaks all the things that affect sleep down into 4 easy-to-understand and easy-to-solve parts.
As a Certified Sleep Coach and Toddler Sleep Expert, I’ve developed the REST Method™ over 6 years of working with families.

So, what are the 4 parts that affect sleep?
What is the REST Method™?
R: The Right Bedtime
The right bedtime and the right sleep schedule are the foundation of awesome sleep. This is such an under-appreciated element that most families either don’t prioritize or don’t think is actually that important. But you have to know how much sleep your kiddo needs and be able to determine their perfect bedtime. Being armed with this info is crucial!
E: Excellent Bedtime Routine
Most families have some sort of pre-bedtime ritual but lots of families end up with toddlers who become master-stallers. If you’ve ever ended story time and been faced with a screaming kiddo begging for one more book or for a few pages to be repeated, you know what I mean. Or maybe you have the kiddo who needs an extra hug or sip of water after lights out time. That’s why it’s so important that you have a stall-proof bedtime routine that your kiddo loves. So you can get done with the routine quickly and get out of the room without protest.
S: Solo Sleep Strategy
This is the goal of all “sleep training” processes. Allowing your child to learn to fall asleep alone - without help from you or anyone or anything else. All alone. Once your kiddo becomes a solo sleeper, sleep comes much more easily. She falls asleep more quickly, sleeps through the night and wakes happy and well rested in the morning. (Yes, that is the reality that you should be experiencing with your toddler!)
T: Tease A Reward
What better way to jump start a new behavior than by making her feel confident and successful? Rewards - both tangible and intangible - are exactly how we get the job done.
In addition to finally having peaceful evenings and sleeping through the night yourself, the best reward will be seeing your child beaming with pride through the whole process.
Once you understand and implement all the steps in the REST Method™, you end up with a child who falls asleep easily before 8pm and sleep 10-12 hours straight through the night.
No, this is not too good to be true! Thousands of families have used the REST Method™ to get their kids sleeping like rockstars - even really, really, really strong-willed ones!
If you want to learn more about the REST Method™, join my next Toddler Sleep Masterclass. It's free to attend. Reserve your spot now, >>CLICK HERE<<
