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Does Health Insurance Cover a Sleep Consultant?

Jessica Berk

Great news... YES!

My sleep services are likely covered under your FSA or HSA plan. Several recent clients have had their investment in my services reimbursed.

This includes 1:1 sleep consulting or enrolling in my Toddler Sleep Course, Sleep Tight Without a Fight.

So, I want to make sure you know this is an option for you, too.

Here’s what you need to do….

  1. First, contact your FSA Administrator and let them know that you would like to have sleep consulting services covered. You may need to complete some paperwork before purchasing. (NOTE: Sleep consulting/training is an emerging field and may be classified under the category “Health Institute Fee” so be sure to ask about this specifically)

  2. You may need to get a ‘letter of medical necessity’ from your pediatrician. If so, just call their office, let them know what you’re doing and they will be happy to get you what you need.

  3. If using FSA, you may have to pre-pay for your sleep consulting services and submit a receipt for reimbursement. ust ask us for a receipt and submit it to your FSA administrator.

  4. If using HSA debit card, you can simply use your HSA debit card to pay for sleep consulting services at checkout. Pretty sweet!

The best part about using your FSA or HSA accounts is you’re using pre-tax dollars 👍

If you’re ready to learn how the REST Method can help you get your child to bed easily and stay sleeping all through the night with no wake up, sign up for my next free Toddler Sleep Masterclass.

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